Competition opens: September 1, noon EST.
Deadline to submit: November 1 at 11:59 p.m. ET
This prize is awarded once a year to the best original, unpublished, short story submitted to the competition. All Canadians can participate.
The competition is blind. A jury composed of well-known and respected Canadian authors will select a 1st place winner and 4 runner-ups.
The First Prize winner will receive $6,000, courtesy of the Canada Council for the Arts, and will have his/her story published in Air Canada’s enRoute magazine and on the Canada Writes website. He or she will also be interviewed on CBC Radio’s The Next Chapter with Shelagh Rogers.
The 4 runner-ups will each receive $1,000, courtesy of the Canada Council for the Arts, and their stories will be published on the Canada Writes website. Submissions to the short story category must be between 1,200 and 1,500 words.
A fee of $25.00 (taxes included) for administration purposes is required for each entry.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Call for Submission
Open Studio (Toronto, ON): Call to Visual Artists, Deadline September 15
Call for Submissions for Open Studio, Canada's leading print media centreInstallation view of Three Dee Realms Plus, by Yorodeo (Paul Hammond & Seth Smith), Open Studio Gallery, September 16 – October 30, 2010
* Open Studio Gallery Exhibitions Program
* Visiting Artist Residency Program
* Guest Renter Program
DEADLINE: Submissions for all 3 programs must be received on or before 5:00 pm on Thursday, September 15, 2011.
For more information about each program and guidelines on how to apply, including digital submission requirements, please visit
Submissions are being accepted to exhibit in the Open Studio Gallery for the period between September 2012 and July 2013.
Open Studio is an artist-run printmaking centre that presents a wide range of print media-based works from traditional to experimental, including work that, although not produced using traditional printmaking techniques, shares through its conceptual concerns a relationship to printmaking.
Accepted formats include: 2 and 3-dimensional works, bookworks, digital and multi-media installation-based work. Proposals by individual artists, groups and curators will be considered. CARFAC Artist Fees are paid. Please review our submission guidelines by visiting and clicking on "Submissions."
Mail Application to:
The Gallery Committee
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 104
Toronto, Ontario Canada
M5V 3A8
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Performing Arts Awards - Deadline September 23rd
Governor General's Performing Arts Awards Foundation: Call for Nominations, Deadline September 23
GET INVOLVED. NOMINATE!How did Bryan Adams, Robert Lepage, Karen Kain, Yvon Deschamps and Buffy Sainte-Marie become laureates of the Governor General’s Performing Arts Award?
They were nominated by people like you—members of the arts community and arts fans across Canada, who wanted to see their performing arts heroes recognized for their passion, creativity and inspiration.
You can play a role in Canada’s most prestigious performing arts awards! Your nomination could determine who receives a Governor General's Performing Arts Award in 2012, the 20th Anniversary of the Awards.
The process is simple and you can do it online. A letter of recommendation and a short biography of the nominee are all that are required for your favourite Canadian performing artist to be in the running.
Nominations for the 2012 Awards are being accepted until September 23, 2011. For complete details, visit
Calls for Submission
Calls For Submission
The Banff Centre (Banff, AB): Call to Photographers, Deadline August 29
Banff Adventure Photography WorkshopProgram dates: September 23, 2011 - September 26, 2011
Application deadline: August 29, 2011
This workshop provides an opportunity for emerging photographers to work with experienced outdoor professionals during classroom seminars, critique sessions, and outdoor fieldwork. Participants will work towards using existing knowledge of their own photographic equipment and digital software to obtain the best results, and to enhance their skills. The sessions are intense and interactive, with the goal of highlighting personal shooting styles. The intent is to investigate the 'why' and 'what' rather than the 'how'. Participants are expected to have a high degree of familiarity and comfort with their camera and software, and also should have an existing knowledge of the fundamentals of photography.
Tentative Schedule
Friday, September 23, welcome and orientation to the program
Saturday, September 24, lectures, fieldwork, and critique
Sunday, September 25, lectures, fieldwork, and critique
Monday, September 26, critique, screening of the 'best of the workshop', farewell
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
MAWA: Outreach Coordinator, Deadline August 23
Professional Opportunities
Job Opportunity
MAWA Outreach Coordinator
3 month contract position, approximately 15 hours per week
Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) is undertaking a unique project to connect with new Canadian women who are visual artists or craft artisans.
Working with MAWA’s Program and Administrative Coordinator and Executive Directors, the Outreach Coordinator will plan a series of craft workshops led by new Canadian women artists. The goal is to expand MAWA’s community, to provide employment to newcomer women artists and to share unique craft skills with the larger arts community. The Outreach Coordinator responsibilities will include meeting and establishing relationships with newcomer communities in Winnipeg, meeting with newcomer artists, hiring artists, arranging for translators if necessary, promoting MAWA and the craft workshops within newcomer communities, planning for necessary workshop supplies and coordinating workshops.
This position requires an outgoing personality, and excellent listening, communication and organizational skills. Experience in public speaking or program coordination is an asset. Knowledge of visual arts or craft based practices is preferred. Fluency in spoken English is preferred. Some travel within Winnipeg will be required.
MAWA is an artist-run not-for-profit organization dedicated to encouraging and supporting the intellectual and creative development of women in the visual arts by providing an ongoing forum for education and critical dialogue. Founded in 1985, MAWA currently has over 250 members. MAWA provides mentorships, workshops, lectures, artist talks, reading groups and informal networking opportunities to the visual arts community at large. Staff is comprised of two half-time Executive Directors, one Program and Administrative Coordinator and one part-time Administrative Assistant. MAWA is open Tuesday-Friday, 10am to 4pm and is wheelchair accessible.
Deadline for Applications: August 23, 2011
Start Date: September 14, 2011
Please apply by sending a letter expressing why you are interested in the position, references and a resume. These can be submitted by email in doc files to, or in hard copy to 611 Main St. Winnipeg, MB R3B 1E1. For further information contact Shawna Dempsey or Dana Kletke at (204) 949-9490.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Art City: Call to Visual Artists, Deadline August 15
Calls For Submission
Art City
Request for Proposals
2012 Guest Artist Series
Art City invites local, national, and international artists to submit proposals to lead workshop-based art projects at our studio in 2012.
Art City is located in West Broadway, a culturally diverse and densely populated neighbourhood in the heart of Winnipeg’s inner city. Art City is open free-of-charge and drop-in to anyone who would like to take part, engaging an average of 25 participants per evening. The majority of those who come to Art City are youth between the ages of 6 and 13 years. Older youth, adults, and seniors also regularly participate in Art City programs.
Selected guest artists will be supported in developing, managing, and facilitating their projects by a team of experienced Art City staff and volunteers. The standard guest artist format is a 5-day period, Monday to Friday, 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Artists will receive $1,400.00 for the one-week project. Travel and accommodation for selected visiting artists will be provided by Art City.
In addition to this format, Art City also invites proposals presenting alternative community art projects and formats to be included in our 2012 Guest Artist Series.
Submission Deadline: August 15, 2011 (postmarked)
Mail proposals to:
Art City
616 Broadway
Winnipeg MB R3C 0W8
Incomplete or email applications cannot be considered.
Selected artists will be asked to provide a Criminal Reference Check and Child Abuse
Registry Check that will be paid for by Art City.
For further information about Art City and the Guest Artist Series, please contact Art City by phone: 204-775-9856,
or visit our web site at
Art City
Request for Proposals
2012 Guest Artist Series
Art City invites local, national, and international artists to submit proposals to lead workshop-based art projects at our studio in 2012.
Art City is located in West Broadway, a culturally diverse and densely populated neighbourhood in the heart of Winnipeg’s inner city. Art City is open free-of-charge and drop-in to anyone who would like to take part, engaging an average of 25 participants per evening. The majority of those who come to Art City are youth between the ages of 6 and 13 years. Older youth, adults, and seniors also regularly participate in Art City programs.
Selected guest artists will be supported in developing, managing, and facilitating their projects by a team of experienced Art City staff and volunteers. The standard guest artist format is a 5-day period, Monday to Friday, 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Artists will receive $1,400.00 for the one-week project. Travel and accommodation for selected visiting artists will be provided by Art City.
In addition to this format, Art City also invites proposals presenting alternative community art projects and formats to be included in our 2012 Guest Artist Series.
Submission Deadline: August 15, 2011 (postmarked)
Mail proposals to:
Art City
616 Broadway
Winnipeg MB R3C 0W8
Incomplete or email applications cannot be considered.
Selected artists will be asked to provide a Criminal Reference Check and Child Abuse
Registry Check that will be paid for by Art City.
For further information about Art City and the Guest Artist Series, please contact Art City by phone: 204-775-9856,
or visit our web site at
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
For all the details please visit
In this historic town of Lunenburg, the newly constructed Bluenose Academy will open its doors to the students in January of 2012. The Bluenose Academy serving students from Lunenburg and the surrounding areas including Blue Rocks, Riverport, Dayspring, Centre, Northwest and Maders Cove would like to welcome the public again to participate in this exciting journey of our new school.
We invite all the public including artists, designers, students, parents, everyone to submit designs for a mosaic to be installed in the foyer of the school building. The theme of the mosaic celebrates the merger of four schools; Lunenburg Academy, Lunenburg Junior & Senior High, Riverport and District Elementary and Centre Consolidated School. The design must be in the boundaries of the ideas put forward by the students, which can be found below.
The school community will vote on the design submissions and the winning design will be permanently installed on the floor of the entrance lobby of the Bluenose Academy. The mosaic will be made of 3/4-inch square tiles with a limit of 22 colours in an 8 feet diameter circle. Please carefully review the ideas/images and examples of mosaic tile projects of other schools and BE CREATIVE!
Feel free to include description for your design submissions. The winning designer will receive a one of a kind local earthenware platter by the NSCAD-Lunenburg Artist in Residence, George Cho.
Deadline: August 22nd 2011
Please submit designs to:
il (for digital submissions):
Via Mail: (please no original work*):
NSCAD Community Studio, P.O. BOX 1823, Lunenburg NS, B0J 2C0
Or Submissions may be dropped off at Centre Schools main office from August 17th – August 22nd.
*Please enclose prepaid and labeled postage for return of hard copies.
**The design of the chosen mosaic will be subject to possible alteration/collaboration upon further committee review.
Bluenose Academy Mosaic Project Idea Summary
1. Nautical (28.4%)
■Bluenose (in full sail, breaking through a wave)
■The dime (with the Bluenose on it)
■Bluenose with whale cresting or water, flying fish and dolphins jumping, jets barrel rolling in sky with fireworks and sunset
■Bluenose vs. Teaser in a race
■Bluenose in the middle with four ships on route toward the Bluenose (representing the new school)
■Bluenose crossing finish line with other boats trailing behind
■Bluenose racing with waves splashing over sides
■Bluenose with navigation star in background
■View of Bluenose from above (looking down on it)
■Dockside, dock in water
■Fisherman, dory, anchor
■Sail from a boat
■Boat steering wheel with waves
■Life preserver
■Ships wheel
■Compass pointed towards north, compass rose, star compass
■Boat with trophy
■Launching the Bluenose
■Picture of Bluenose surrounded by rope
2. Marine Life (27.5%)
■Seagulls, clouds, blue water
■Fish, shark, whale, killer whale, lobster, crabs, scallops, starfish, octopus, shells, seals, stingray, big shell, rock lobster, puffins, sea turtle, codfish,
■Scallop dragger
■Fishing net, traps
■Fish jumping through waves
■Wooden lobster trap
3. Miscellaneous (12%)
■Underwater scene with marine life
■Treasure chest
■Lots of kids, colourful
■A playground
■A big book with stuff written in it
■Fisherman with graduation cap
■Big fish teaching small fish
■Books in water with fish
■Colours: shades of blue, red, white/blues and greens/lots of blue/blue, red green/blue, white, red, green/purple, teal
■Forest and fields, Christmas tree lots, lakes
4. Text (10.1%)
■“Welcome to Bluenose Academy”
■“Not blue toes, yes blue nose”/ “we have a school that’s really fine, the Bluenose is on the 10 cent dime”/ “Linked together in education”/ “Caught in education” (wi1th 3 fish jumping into a net)
■“Lunenburg, NS”
5. Town Spirit (8.5%)
■Shipyard, fish sheds
■An old Lunenburg fish trap
■Waterfront/Harbour view with buildings and boats (classic view from golf course)
■Images of Lunenburg (bandstand, museum, churches, buildings,)
■Schooner in Lunenburg waterfront with reflection in water
■Houses with Lunenburg Bump
■Lunenburg waterfront with the Bluenose with Captain Angus Walters waving
6. School (Merger) (4.5%)
■Picture of four schools coming together as one (a piece of each school put together to make one, like Riverport Osprey, Lunenburg Academy Mariner, Lunenburg Jr/Sr High and Center Wave)
■Lighthouse with four beams of light representing four schools
■Bluenose with four dories to represent the schools/families aboard the new ship
■Dime with four boats with Bluenose Academy written on it
7. School (Image) (8.5%)
■Picture of the new school
■A big wave with the Bluenose Academy
■Bluenose with the Academy on it
■The new school floating on the ocean like a boat
8. Diversity (1.9%)
■Pictures and symbols of children of native descent, different nationalities coming together, people joining hands
■Globe with kids holding hands
9. Dime; Capt. Angus Walters (1%; 1%)
■The dime (with the Bluenose on it)
■Dime with four boats with Bluenose academy written on it
■Lunenburg waterfront with the Bluenose with Captain Angus Walters waving
Total of 297 Student Suggestions from All Four Schools (Lunenburg Jr./Sr. High, Centre Consolidated School, Riverport and District Elementary & Lunenburg Academy)
In this historic town of Lunenburg, the newly constructed Bluenose Academy will open its doors to the students in January of 2012. The Bluenose Academy serving students from Lunenburg and the surrounding areas including Blue Rocks, Riverport, Dayspring, Centre, Northwest and Maders Cove would like to welcome the public again to participate in this exciting journey of our new school.
We invite all the public including artists, designers, students, parents, everyone to submit designs for a mosaic to be installed in the foyer of the school building. The theme of the mosaic celebrates the merger of four schools; Lunenburg Academy, Lunenburg Junior & Senior High, Riverport and District Elementary and Centre Consolidated School. The design must be in the boundaries of the ideas put forward by the students, which can be found below.
The school community will vote on the design submissions and the winning design will be permanently installed on the floor of the entrance lobby of the Bluenose Academy. The mosaic will be made of 3/4-inch square tiles with a limit of 22 colours in an 8 feet diameter circle. Please carefully review the ideas/images and examples of mosaic tile projects of other schools and BE CREATIVE!
Feel free to include description for your design submissions. The winning designer will receive a one of a kind local earthenware platter by the NSCAD-Lunenburg Artist in Residence, George Cho.
Deadline: August 22nd 2011
Please submit designs to:
il (for digital submissions):
Via Mail: (please no original work*):
NSCAD Community Studio, P.O. BOX 1823, Lunenburg NS, B0J 2C0
Or Submissions may be dropped off at Centre Schools main office from August 17th – August 22nd.
*Please enclose prepaid and labeled postage for return of hard copies.
**The design of the chosen mosaic will be subject to possible alteration/collaboration upon further committee review.
Bluenose Academy Mosaic Project Idea Summary
1. Nautical (28.4%)
■Bluenose (in full sail, breaking through a wave)
■The dime (with the Bluenose on it)
■Bluenose with whale cresting or water, flying fish and dolphins jumping, jets barrel rolling in sky with fireworks and sunset
■Bluenose vs. Teaser in a race
■Bluenose in the middle with four ships on route toward the Bluenose (representing the new school)
■Bluenose crossing finish line with other boats trailing behind
■Bluenose racing with waves splashing over sides
■Bluenose with navigation star in background
■View of Bluenose from above (looking down on it)
■Dockside, dock in water
■Fisherman, dory, anchor
■Sail from a boat
■Boat steering wheel with waves
■Life preserver
■Ships wheel
■Compass pointed towards north, compass rose, star compass
■Boat with trophy
■Launching the Bluenose
■Picture of Bluenose surrounded by rope
2. Marine Life (27.5%)
■Seagulls, clouds, blue water
■Fish, shark, whale, killer whale, lobster, crabs, scallops, starfish, octopus, shells, seals, stingray, big shell, rock lobster, puffins, sea turtle, codfish,
■Scallop dragger
■Fishing net, traps
■Fish jumping through waves
■Wooden lobster trap
3. Miscellaneous (12%)
■Underwater scene with marine life
■Treasure chest
■Lots of kids, colourful
■A playground
■A big book with stuff written in it
■Fisherman with graduation cap
■Big fish teaching small fish
■Books in water with fish
■Colours: shades of blue, red, white/blues and greens/lots of blue/blue, red green/blue, white, red, green/purple, teal
■Forest and fields, Christmas tree lots, lakes
4. Text (10.1%)
■“Welcome to Bluenose Academy”
■“Not blue toes, yes blue nose”/ “we have a school that’s really fine, the Bluenose is on the 10 cent dime”/ “Linked together in education”/ “Caught in education” (wi1th 3 fish jumping into a net)
■“Lunenburg, NS”
5. Town Spirit (8.5%)
■Shipyard, fish sheds
■An old Lunenburg fish trap
■Waterfront/Harbour view with buildings and boats (classic view from golf course)
■Images of Lunenburg (bandstand, museum, churches, buildings,)
■Schooner in Lunenburg waterfront with reflection in water
■Houses with Lunenburg Bump
■Lunenburg waterfront with the Bluenose with Captain Angus Walters waving
6. School (Merger) (4.5%)
■Picture of four schools coming together as one (a piece of each school put together to make one, like Riverport Osprey, Lunenburg Academy Mariner, Lunenburg Jr/Sr High and Center Wave)
■Lighthouse with four beams of light representing four schools
■Bluenose with four dories to represent the schools/families aboard the new ship
■Dime with four boats with Bluenose Academy written on it
7. School (Image) (8.5%)
■Picture of the new school
■A big wave with the Bluenose Academy
■Bluenose with the Academy on it
■The new school floating on the ocean like a boat
8. Diversity (1.9%)
■Pictures and symbols of children of native descent, different nationalities coming together, people joining hands
■Globe with kids holding hands
9. Dime; Capt. Angus Walters (1%; 1%)
■The dime (with the Bluenose on it)
■Dime with four boats with Bluenose academy written on it
■Lunenburg waterfront with the Bluenose with Captain Angus Walters waving
Total of 297 Student Suggestions from All Four Schools (Lunenburg Jr./Sr. High, Centre Consolidated School, Riverport and District Elementary & Lunenburg Academy)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Call for Entries - Due September 15, 2011
"Beyond the Brickyard"
Archie Bray Foundation's Fourth Annual Jurried Exhibition
Entry Deadline: September 15, 2011
Archie Bray Foundation announces that it is holding the fourth annual international call for entries, Beyond the Brickyard. The selected works will be exhibited at the Archie Bray Foundation in Helena. MT, January 2012. This year’s exhibition will be juried by 2011 Voulkos Fellow Richard Shaw. The competition is open internationally to ceramic artists 18 years of age or older. Artists may submit up to 3 works for consideration, and up to 2 images of each piece (one complete photo plus one detail or alternate angle). All artwork must be available for sale and available during the time of exhibition. Submitted artwork must not exceed 36” in any direction. Submissions to Beyond the Brickyard will only be accepted online. The cost of entering Beyond the Brickyard is $35 USD for up to 3 works. From the successful entrants, two awards will be selected: Juror’s Choice Award: $400 and Director’s Choice Award: $400
Click here for more information and to appy: Beyond the Brickyard
Archie Bray Foundation's Fourth Annual Jurried Exhibition
Entry Deadline: September 15, 2011
Archie Bray Foundation announces that it is holding the fourth annual international call for entries, Beyond the Brickyard. The selected works will be exhibited at the Archie Bray Foundation in Helena. MT, January 2012. This year’s exhibition will be juried by 2011 Voulkos Fellow Richard Shaw. The competition is open internationally to ceramic artists 18 years of age or older. Artists may submit up to 3 works for consideration, and up to 2 images of each piece (one complete photo plus one detail or alternate angle). All artwork must be available for sale and available during the time of exhibition. Submitted artwork must not exceed 36” in any direction. Submissions to Beyond the Brickyard will only be accepted online. The cost of entering Beyond the Brickyard is $35 USD for up to 3 works. From the successful entrants, two awards will be selected: Juror’s Choice Award: $400 and Director’s Choice Award: $400
Click here for more information and to appy: Beyond the Brickyard
Call for Submissions
Seventeenth Annual Nellie Allen Smith
Juried Pottery Competition
Entry Deadline: August 22, 2011
Exhibition Dates: Friday, October 28, 2011
Cape Fear Studios, in Fayetteville, NC will host the Seventeenth Annual Nellie Allen Smith Juried Competition.
Eligibility: The competition is open to all potters 18 years & older.
Media: Either functional or nonfunctional original works in clay.
AWARDS: Prizes totaling $1,350.00 will be awarded.
For more information visit
Juried Pottery Competition
Entry Deadline: August 22, 2011
Exhibition Dates: Friday, October 28, 2011
Cape Fear Studios, in Fayetteville, NC will host the Seventeenth Annual Nellie Allen Smith Juried Competition.
Eligibility: The competition is open to all potters 18 years & older.
Media: Either functional or nonfunctional original works in clay.
AWARDS: Prizes totaling $1,350.00 will be awarded.
For more information visit
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Celebrate Summer 2011
A few pictures of flowers in my garden and on the deck. Great show of colour and this seems to be a good year for blooms. Happy Canada Day to everyone celebrating the first long weekend of summer.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
My week - Gardening Season
I love this time of year, everything is so fresh and green. However my eyes are usually bigger than my flower beds. I see so many great plants that I know would look fantastic, the problem is I don't always have the space in my existing flower beds. I am especially enjoying springtime this year as I have so much less arthritis pain since the operation on my hip which has made me a bionic woman. I have purchased two phlox plants, another hosta, ornamental grass and a clematis vine as well as several petunias for planters. I am including a few pictures of the poor little things waiting to be planted.
A display stand that I used in my flower shop now does duty as a plant stand in summer and a frame for Christmas lights in winter. |
Great year for lilacs. |
My petinuas have all been planted |
This beauty will be planted in the next couple of days |
This creeper is well established and looks so beautiful in its bright red colours in the fall |
Monday, May 30, 2011
Call to Craft and Visual Artists - Deadline June 30
Calls For Submission
Rooms Provincial Art Gallery / Craft Council of Newfoundland & Labrador (St. John's, NL): Call to Craft & Visual Artists, Deadline June 30
The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery & the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador Boxed In!an exhibition of small sculptural works
Deadline: 30 June 2011
Simply put, a box is a container with a lid. Until it is opened, a box protects the secrecy of its contents. It is imbued with mystery and the promise of surprise. As such, the empty box can metaphorically take various meaning such as that of confinement, absence, hiding place. In our day to day life we make casual contact with the mail box, the lunch box or the tool box. And then, there are others such as the fuse box, black box, glory box, coach box, treasure box and ballot box. Each one has its own particularities and functions, a direct meaning that can take on a metaphorical one if we think outside the box.
To bring Canadian artists together, and considering the size of our country and the cost of shipping, we propose an exhibition of small sculptural works that would fit in a specific box and spring from the idea of the box itself or of one of its metaphors. The works must be three-dimensional and can be presented on a shelf, plinth, suspended or mounted on the wall.
Your proposed work should fit in a box no bigger than 16 x 12 x 12 inches, wrapping included with the lid on, without any alteration to the box. Of course, the work can be smaller but not bigger than this set size. The proposal should be for a work of expression, functional or not, that pushes the limits of your practice within a conceptual approach.
Your application must include the attached completed form, a half to one page proposal, artist statement, drawings or sketches of the proposed work and its technical information (medium, finished size, presentation), CV or resume (maximum of three pages), up to ten digital images of recent works (no earlier than 2005) and a list of images. All images (drawings, sketches and previous works) should be in JPG format at a resolution of 72 dpi (no more than 1800 x 1800 dpi in size). For more information:
Inquiries :
Submissions should be sent to the following address:
Denis Longchamps, curator
Boxed in! Exhibition Project
The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery
9 Bonaventure Avenue
P.O. Box 1800, Station C
St. John's, NL, Canada
A1C 5P9
Deadline to send your application: postmarked no later than June 30, 2011.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Canada Council for the Arts - Call for Nominations
Canada Council for the Arts Call for Nominations, Deadline June 1
GOVERNOR GENERAL'S AWARDS IN VISUAL AND MEDIA ARTS 2012The Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts are Canada's foremost distinctions for excellence in visual and media arts.
Help us to honour Canada's finest artists. Nominate someone who you feel is deserving of one of these prestigious awards.
Deadline for nominations:
June 1, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Banff Centre - Call for Submissions
19 Adam Chodzko: Something in the Water. A Search for the Turn of the Backwash
Program dates: November 14 – December 9, 2011
Application deadline: July 15, 2011
It’s a collaboration. Each participant contributing equally. Field trips, hikes, meetings with “real” people, collaborative video projects, individual quests, a lot of “show and tell,” too much late night Googling, and lots of misunderstandings will steer us through this residency.
02 Ken Lum's Master Class: Art and the effects of the Real
Program dates: January 4 – February 21, 2012
Application deadline: July 25, 2011
The most interesting contemporary art is focused on the uneasy relationship between identity and the Real, concerned centrally with the social and spatial impediments that so often divide people from one another. It is the aim of Art and the effects of the Real to investigate the deepening interest of art towards its contingencies. This is an intensive residency with a structured program schedule that includes weekly seminars, discussion groups, and film screenings.
Self-directed Creative Residencies
Self-directed residencies are self-guided opportunities where the artist is free to experiment and explore new directions in the production of their work. Program dates are available year-round.
For more information and to apply:
Office of the Registrar
Phone: 403.762.6180 or 1.800.565.9989
Program dates: November 14 – December 9, 2011
Application deadline: July 15, 2011
It’s a collaboration. Each participant contributing equally. Field trips, hikes, meetings with “real” people, collaborative video projects, individual quests, a lot of “show and tell,” too much late night Googling, and lots of misunderstandings will steer us through this residency.
02 Ken Lum's Master Class: Art and the effects of the Real
Program dates: January 4 – February 21, 2012
Application deadline: July 25, 2011
The most interesting contemporary art is focused on the uneasy relationship between identity and the Real, concerned centrally with the social and spatial impediments that so often divide people from one another. It is the aim of Art and the effects of the Real to investigate the deepening interest of art towards its contingencies. This is an intensive residency with a structured program schedule that includes weekly seminars, discussion groups, and film screenings.
Self-directed Creative Residencies
Self-directed residencies are self-guided opportunities where the artist is free to experiment and explore new directions in the production of their work. Program dates are available year-round.
For more information and to apply:
Office of the Registrar
Phone: 403.762.6180 or 1.800.565.9989
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Call to Visual Artists & Craft Artists, Deadline May 20
Scarborough Arts Annual Outdoor Art Show & Sale (ON):
Call to Visual Artists & Craft Artists, Deadline May 20
Call for Entry
Scarborough Arts Annual Outdoor Art Show & Sale
Entry deadline = Friday, May 20, 2011
drawing, illustration, painting, sculpture, mixed media, printmaking, pottery, jewelry, photography, glass works, original textiles, fibre arts, and more!
Art in the Park is an annual juried outdoor community arts festival held in the beautiful parkland surrounding the Scarborough Arts building.
On Saturday, July 16, 2011 artists will have the opportunity to connect with the community, sell their original work and discuss ideas and practices.
Art in the Park is a one-day event and is open to all artists working in fine art and craft.
Date & Time:
Harrison Estate Park (behind Scarborough Arts)
Saturday, July 16, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm
1859 Kingston Road, Scarborough
Download entry form:
To request a submission form, or if you have any questions please contact us:
t: 416 698 7322
Call to Visual Artists & Craft Artists, Deadline May 20
Call for Entry
Scarborough Arts Annual Outdoor Art Show & Sale
Entry deadline = Friday, May 20, 2011
drawing, illustration, painting, sculpture, mixed media, printmaking, pottery, jewelry, photography, glass works, original textiles, fibre arts, and more!
Art in the Park is an annual juried outdoor community arts festival held in the beautiful parkland surrounding the Scarborough Arts building.
On Saturday, July 16, 2011 artists will have the opportunity to connect with the community, sell their original work and discuss ideas and practices.
Art in the Park is a one-day event and is open to all artists working in fine art and craft.
Date & Time:
Harrison Estate Park (behind Scarborough Arts)
Saturday, July 16, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm
1859 Kingston Road, Scarborough
Download entry form:
To request a submission form, or if you have any questions please contact us:
t: 416 698 7322
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Federal Election 2011: Political party responses
On April 5, the Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) sent the leaders of the five major federal parties a series of questions relevant to the arts, culture and heritage sector. We are publishing the responses we received in their entirety, without any edits or commentary. In order to facilitate comparison among the parties' responses, we have formatted their answers in a table format, according to each individual question asked. An empty table indicates that we did not receive an answer to that particular question. Please note that the CCA translated the Bloc Québécois' answers from French to English.
To read the responses please visit
To read the responses please visit
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Week Fourteen - My 2011 In Pictures
Just one picture this week. But I thought this was a great sign of spring. This is the first year that I noticed these little guys getting sun, I'm sure that is just an oversight on my part, but I thought they were worth a picture. Hope everyone enjoys.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Week Thirteen - My 2011 in Pictures
Queens Place in Liverpool - Really starting to shape up |
Add caption |
This is a Road??? LaBelle Road in Queens County. |
Sunday April 3 was a beautiful day, plus 10 degrees and beautiful sun. The Queens Place project in Liverpool is proceeding nicely. Over 1/2 of the funds have been raised and the commitments are in place from the necessary levels of government. There is of course the question of 14,000 residents in Queens County and how much use the facility will get. But it is a good thing...providing the operating costs are bearable.
The potholes that pass for a road are another matter. The LaBelle road has been only potholes for the past three weeks and although the frost boils are drying up the potholes are still taking a toll on all the cars that are forced to drive the trail daily. Where is the grader? I invite every politician, regardless of whether they are federal, provincial or municipal to drive their cars over this poor excuse for a road.
Enough of the rant. As you can see, I'm back with more pictures of my 2011. Some weeks are missing...slow news weeks:-) or I was too busy or life was too boring.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
MAWA: Call to Developing Artists, Deadline April 29
Call for Submissions
Year-long Mentorship Program, Sept. 2011- Sept. 2012
Deadline: Friday, April 29, 2011
The Foundation Mentorship Program is a year-long program in which senior artists share their experience with developing artists. It is designed to help women in the visual arts develop skills and define their decision-making philosophies, and to provide access to the information, resources and support they need to realize their goals. In addition to a one-on-one relationship with a mentor, the program provides a peer group for the mentees through group meetings.
Mentors meet with their mentees individually for 5 hours per month, and the entire group meets for 3 hours monthly for critiques, discussion, gallery visits and other activities.
Applicants are selected based on:
- the quality and potential of the work submitted,
- the emerging artist’s willingness to dedicate time to the program,
- the mentor’s ability to work with the emerging artist, because of mutuality of practice or conceptual framework.
Successful applicants will be charged a $300 fee for the program. There is no fee to apply, although you must be a MAWA member. Students are not eligible.
For Application Guidelines, please refer our website,, or contact Lisa Wood, Program and Administrative Coordinator, at 949-9490 or
The Mentors:
Amber-Dawn Bear Robe, Blackfoot from Siksika Nation, Alberta, is currently completing her second MA in Art History from the University of Arizona with a focus on contemporary Native North American arts and photography. Amber-Dawn recently moved to Winnipeg to work as the new Director/Curator of Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art. She completed a MA in American Indian Studies from the University of Arizona, a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Alberta College of Art and Design and has interned at museums such as The Tucson Museum of Art, The University of British Columbia’s Museum of Anthropology and The Glenbow Museum. She is an active art writer.
Mélanie Rocan works in paint. She graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2003 and completed her Masters of Fine Arts at Concordia University, Montreal, in 2008. Since 2003, her work has been included in many exhibitions across Canada, including the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto; the Winnipeg Art Gallery and Plug-In Institute of Contemporary Arts, Winnipeg; as well as an RBC painting competition exhibition that traveled to galleries across Canada including the Power Plant, Toronto; the Musée d’art contemporain, Montréal; and the Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver. Her work has been reviewed in Bordercrossings Magazine, FASHION Magazine and the Globe and Mail. She is the recipient of numerous awards and grants from the Canada Council, Manitoba and Winnipeg Arts Councils.
Diana Thorneycroft has exhibited various bodies of photo-based, installation and drawing works across Canada, the United States and Europe, as well as in Moscow, Tokyo and Sydney. She is the recipient of numerous awards including an Assistance to Visual Arts Long-term Grant from the Canada Council. Her exhibition of photographed, miniature tableaux, Group of Seven Awkward Moments, is currently touring Canada and will be shown at the Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris in May 2011. By combining well-known Canadian landscape paintings with scenes of accidents, disasters and instances of poor judgment, this recent series satirizes the mythology and icons of Canadian culture.
Diane Whitehouse studied fine arts (painting) at Birmingham College of Art and Bergen Kunsthandverkskole, Bergen, Norway. After immigrating to Canada in the sixties she taught at the University of Alberta and the University of Manitoba School of Art. Diane has exhibited nationally and internationally, and was the subject of a solo, retrospective exhibition held at the Winnipeg Art Gallery in 1999. She has served on many boards, including the Canada Council and Plug In ICA, and was one of the founders of MAWA.
For more information, visit
You can find more information about MAWA on the Winnipeg Cultural Map here.
Call for Submission - Deadline June 30
Calls For Submission
UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights: Call to Visual Artists, Deadline June 30
You are invited to participate in theUNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
Global Art Competition
• Creatively interpret the ethical ideals of respecting cultural diversity and inspiring compassion toward all human life.
• Eleven winning pieces will exhibit in Houston and New York, culminating in Rome in conjunction with UNESCO’s Multi-Culturalism and Religion Workshop and Conference on Human Vulnerability, October 9-11, 2011.
• $5,000 Best of Show; $500 to 10 additional winners
• Submission Deadline is June 30, 2011
• $25 per entry
For questions, please e-mail
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Artist and Craft Producers - A new market
Liverpool, Nova Scotia
Local public farm market in Centennial Park, Liverpool. Starts May 20, 2011. Runs every Friday 9-2pm. until mid-Oct. Offering locally produced baked goods, produce, fresh fish, art and crafts products, local entertainment and more. Info call 530-6182
t: view phone (902) 530-6182
The Market on the Mersey is a new public farm market located in Centennial Park, Liverpool, NS. The market starts on May 20, 2011 and runs every Friday 9-2pm until mid-October. Offering locally produced baked goods, produce, fresh fish, art and crafts products, natural and/or environmentally friendly products and more. Join your friends at the market and meet your local producers, craftspeople, artisans and entertainers. Come to the Market on the Mersey, excite your senses and enjoy a unique shopping
experience with a fun, family-friendly atmosphere and talented, local
entertainment. For more information or to become a vendor please call Joanne at 530-6182 or visit our Facebook page at
Local public farm market in Centennial Park, Liverpool. Starts May 20, 2011. Runs every Friday 9-2pm. until mid-Oct. Offering locally produced baked goods, produce, fresh fish, art and crafts products, local entertainment and more. Info call 530-6182
t: view phone (902) 530-6182
The Market on the Mersey is a new public farm market located in Centennial Park, Liverpool, NS. The market starts on May 20, 2011 and runs every Friday 9-2pm until mid-October. Offering locally produced baked goods, produce, fresh fish, art and crafts products, natural and/or environmentally friendly products and more. Join your friends at the market and meet your local producers, craftspeople, artisans and entertainers. Come to the Market on the Mersey, excite your senses and enjoy a unique shopping
experience with a fun, family-friendly atmosphere and talented, local
entertainment. For more information or to become a vendor please call Joanne at 530-6182 or visit our Facebook page at
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Executive Director for Visual Arts Nova Scotia - April 4 deadline
Professional Opportunities
Visual Arts Nova Scotia (Halifax, NS): Executive Director, Deadline April 4
Executive Director, Visual Arts Nova Scotia(1-year Maternity Leave)
Halifax, NS
Timeframe: 52 weeks + 2 weeks training period, commencing May 23, 2011
Salary: $35,000
Applications must be received by April 4, 2011
Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) is currently accepting applications for a one-year maternity leave Executive Director of Visual Arts Nova Scotia and Publisher of Visual Arts News.
Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) works for the advancement and rights of the visual arts and artists of Nova Scotia. VANS is a provincial artist-run organization incorporated in 1976 to serve visual artists. We support members by providing exhibition, marketing, educational and social opportunities. VANS is a primary resource for artists; providing access to a community of peers. We foster excellence, skills development and lifelong learning in the arts. VANS publishes Visual Arts News, the only magazine dedicated to visual art in Atlantic Canada. Please visit for more information.
Responsibilities: The Executive Director oversees all aspects of the organization’s operations and finance, including development, communications, partnerships, and planning/programming of year-round activities, under the guidance of the Board of Directors. Duties include grant writing and reporting; fundraising; program development and implementation; management of financial records and budgets; hiring and management of a staff and volunteers; regular reporting to the Board of Directors; coordination of board meetings; and general office duties.
This position requires a highly motivated, professional and experienced individual with strong oral, written, organizational and managerial skills; knowledge of the provincial visual arts sector; experience with financial recording and budgets; keen attention to detail; and significant computer proficiency. The ability to work independently and multi-task in a deadline-driven environment is critical.
Applications must be received no later than Friday, April 4th, 2011. Please send your C.V., a cover letter and three references to (subject heading: Executive Director Hiring Committee) or mail/deliver to: Executive Director Hiring Committee, Visual Arts Nova Scotia, 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS B3H 4P7
We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those to be interviewed will be contacted.
Call for Submission - RBC
Calls For Submission
Royal Bank of Canada: Call to Painters, Deadline May 11
RBC seeks emerging artists for 13th annual RBC Canadian Painting Competition RBC, with the support of the Canadian Art Foundation, today announced its call for entries for the 2011 RBC Canadian Painting Competition. With a total of $55,000 in prize money, it is the largest competition of its kind in Canada.
Entries must be submitted by May 11, 2011 and winners will be announced in Edmonton on September 27, 2011, with the national winner receiving $25,000 and two honourable mentions each receiving $15,000. Semi-finalists in the competition will see their work displayed at prominent art galleries across the country and featured in Canadian Art magazine.
"The RBC Canadian Painting Competition helps demonstrate the talent and diversity of emerging Canadian artists and recognizes them on a national level," said Ann Webb, Executive Director, Canadian Art Foundation. "The Canadian art community looks forward to this competition each year as it is an opportunity to nurture and support up-and-coming artists and highlight their contributions to our nation's culture."
RBC works closely with the Canadian Art Foundation to recognize the skill and talent of Canada's emerging artists and provide them with a professional competition that offers national exposure. The Canadian Art Foundation oversees the adjudication process, allowing the works to be judged by a select panel of distinguished members of the visual arts community.
Details and rules of the competition may be found at The submitted works will be short-listed to 15 semi-finalists by independent panels of regional judges. All regional jurors come together late September to determine one national winner and two honourable mentions. On September 27, the 2011 winner and honourable mentions will be announced and all 15 paintings will be on exhibit at the Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton. All finalists will be featured at
About the RBC Canadian Painting Competition
Established in 1999, the RBC Canadian Painting Competition is a tribute to Canada's artistic talent. The goal of the competition is to support and nurture Canadian visual artists early in their career by providing them with a forum to display their artistic talent to the country and hopefully open doors to future opportunity. An investment in Canadian culture and the visual arts community, the competition will award one national prize of $25,000 and two honourable mentions will receive prizes of $15,000 each. Along with past winners, the winning paintings of 2011 will become part of RBC's Canadian art collection comprised of more than 4,000 works of distinguished art collected over the past hundred years. Various paintings from the RBC collection have been exhibited in museums, enabling more Canadians to enjoy these wonderful works.
For more information, contact:
Jackie Braden, RBC Brand Communications,
Artist contact:
Deborah Dexter, RBC Canadian Painting Competition,
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Call to Visual Artists Deadline March 25
Calls For Submission
Third Space Gallery (Saint John, NB): Call to Visual Artists, Deadline March 25
Third Space Gallery invites artists to submit proposals for upcoming programming in 2012-2013. Third Space continues its nomadic existence as a gallery, collaborating with various organizations and establishments in the city of Saint John. Third Space will consider interdisciplinary submissions and is committed to representing local, regional and national professional contemporary artists. Well be looking for submissions of contemporary painting, sculpture, printmaking, performance projects, new media, or other works that look to engage the public in relevant topics of the day.
Email submissions must be date stamped by 9pm.
Post submissions (on CD/DVD only) must be postmarked by the deadline date.
a clear and concise description of project (MAXIMUM 700 words)
MAXIMUM 10 images (JPG files less than 1MG each please)
Numbered image list, including title, medium, dimensions, year (where applicable)
if including digital video and/or audio files (less than 5MG each) please include a weblink
Artist CV (MAXIMUM 3 pages)
Artist statement (250 words maximum)
In your cover letter please indicate if you can offer an artist-talk, workshop or presentation, and to what age groups (include brief outline of topic or lesson plan if applicable). Saint John is home to one university that does not have a fine arts program, thus third space gallery strives to fulfill a critical pedagogical role towards the diffusion of contemporary art.
Proposals can be emailed to: with Submission 2011 in the subject line.
Proposals can be sent via post to:
Third Space Gallery, 39 King Street, PO Box 20060, Saint John, NB, E2L 5B2
Disclaimer: Third Space Gallery is not responsible for lost items. If sufficient postage is not included on a self-addressed, stamped envelope the materials will not be returned.
Third Space Gallery is committed to paying artists fees as outlined in the CARFAC fee schedule.
For more information please contact the gallery at (506) 650-1634 or
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Sobey Art Award Announces Call for Nominations
Sobey Art Award: Call for Nominations, Deadline April 1
The Sobey Art Award is officially accepting nominations for this year’s prize. The $50,000 award is Canada’s premier visual art award given annually to a Canadian artist under 40 who has exhibited in a public or commercial art gallery within 18 months of being nominated.
The five finalists of the 2011 Award will be announced in June, 2011. Selected work from the shortlisted artists will be featured in Halifax in an exhibition hosted by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia from September 17th, 2011 and run until January 8th, 2012. The winner of the 2011 Sobey Art Award will be announced during a gala event at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia in October 2011.
The 2011 curatorial advisory panel is made up of five distinguished representatives from a Canadian art gallery in each of the five regions: the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairies and the North, and the West Coast and Yukon.
The deadline for nominations is April 1, 2011. For more information and nominations guidelines please visit
The Sobey Art Award is officially accepting nominations for this year’s prize. The $50,000 award is Canada’s premier visual art award given annually to a Canadian artist under 40 who has exhibited in a public or commercial art gallery within 18 months of being nominated.
The five finalists of the 2011 Award will be announced in June, 2011. Selected work from the shortlisted artists will be featured in Halifax in an exhibition hosted by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia from September 17th, 2011 and run until January 8th, 2012. The winner of the 2011 Sobey Art Award will be announced during a gala event at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia in October 2011.
The 2011 curatorial advisory panel is made up of five distinguished representatives from a Canadian art gallery in each of the five regions: the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairies and the North, and the West Coast and Yukon.
The deadline for nominations is April 1, 2011. For more information and nominations guidelines please visit
Friday, February 25, 2011
Call for Entry - Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts
Exhibition Call for Entry
The ARTS CENTRE is located in historic downtown Collingwood, two hours north of Toronto on the south shore of Georgian Bay. The ARTS CENTRE is owned and operated by the Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts, a non-profit, volunteer-run organization that has been actively promoting the arts across the South Georgian Bay region for 35 years.Our 1,500 sq. ft. professionally fitted art gallery hosts new exhibitions and arts-related events each month. We are now accepting applications from Ontario-based artists, artist groups and independent curators for month-long exhibitions in 2011. There are currently five exhibition slots to be filled. Artists are encouraged to offer their work for sale but the primary purpose of these exhibitions is public education of current art practices and to provide artists with increased exposure. In addition, two hanging-fee opportunities are available during the summer months.
Shows may feature single artists, duos or small groups. Group shows may be created at the discretion of the Exhibition Committee from individual artist applicants.
• Artists who are working in two dimensional and three dimensional works,
installations or video will be considered.
• Visual artists should submit 10-15 JPG images of recent work (1-2 years) on CD only,
plus a CV, artist's BIO and statement.
• Work exhibited must be similar in character to submissions and should demonstrate a focused body of work.
For further information call 445-3430 between 11am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Blue Mountain Foundation for the ArtsPO Box 581, 163 Hurontario Street
Collingwood, ON L9Y 4E8
Curator's Exhibition Application
Exhibition Application Form
Exhibition Proposal Form Curator
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Folgers Jingle Contest
C. Hope Clark had the following info posted on her blog.
Folgers Jingle Contest
Folgers did this competition last year, and I adored the finalists! One was from my home state of South Carolina. I even voted. If you like writing lyrics to little diddies, or you enjoy a microphone, this is a cool contest.
Go to the website and upload your version of the Folgers Jingle. The Grand-Prize Winner will receive $25,000, the chance to appear in a Folgers Coffee commercial, plus a special mentoring session with award-winning songwriter Kara DioGuardi. Five finalists will be sent to New York City to compete in the live Grand-Prize audition and receive $5,000 in cash. Check back starting March 31, 2011, to vote for the semifinalists. You could win a $100 grocery store gift card daily prize, or the Grand Prize of $10,000 just for voting.
NOTE: Of course no entry fee. These commerical contests rarely charge. They can break your world wide open with opportunity, though. The finalists I saw before were everyday people who liked to write little songs.
Folgers Jingle Contest
Folgers did this competition last year, and I adored the finalists! One was from my home state of South Carolina. I even voted. If you like writing lyrics to little diddies, or you enjoy a microphone, this is a cool contest.
Go to the website and upload your version of the Folgers Jingle. The Grand-Prize Winner will receive $25,000, the chance to appear in a Folgers Coffee commercial, plus a special mentoring session with award-winning songwriter Kara DioGuardi. Five finalists will be sent to New York City to compete in the live Grand-Prize audition and receive $5,000 in cash. Check back starting March 31, 2011, to vote for the semifinalists. You could win a $100 grocery store gift card daily prize, or the Grand Prize of $10,000 just for voting.
NOTE: Of course no entry fee. These commerical contests rarely charge. They can break your world wide open with opportunity, though. The finalists I saw before were everyday people who liked to write little songs.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
cre8ery Gallery - Upcoming events
For anyone who will be in Winnipeg Manitoba during the next few weeks, the following will be of interest.
Birds, Bees, Bears, and Beers, by Evin Collis, Erin Josephson-Laidlaw & Timothy Raffey
Opening Reception February 17th, 7-11pm
Free & Artists in attendance
Additional exhibit hours: Sat-Tues, 12-6pm
(admin closed on Riel Day no sketch night)
Exhibition Ends: Tues, Feb. 22, 6pm
Theses three artists recently returned to Winnipeg after each spending time in Toronto, Ontario and Florence, Italy. Influenced by the malleable nature of myth, each has created work exploring the connection between myth and culture-- whether it be monumentalizing things which are usually hushed, elevating the mundane to the mythic, or irreverently altering existing narratives. Through drawing, painting, collage, photography, and animation the artists explore a world and a Winnipeg in constant translation from the literal to the mythical.
EVIN COLLIS, born and raised in Winnipeg, graduated from the Ontario College of Art & Design in 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting. He has recently returned to Winnipeg upon completing an internship at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, Italy. His works are interdisciplinary and currently focuses on the re-interpretation of Canadian history, myth and folklore.
ERIN JOSEPHSON-LAIDLAW, born in 1987 in Winnipeg, graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design in 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting. She completed her thesis in Florence, Italy, received her BFA in Toronto. She currently lives and works in Winnipeg.
TIMOTHY RAFFEY is a photographer. He lives and works, usually in Winnipeg.
New Works in the Auxiliary Gallery by...Dave Swiecicki, Jillian Seniuk Cicek, Alan Davies, Helen Girard & Lori Zebiere
cre8ery's fundraiser: Strength By Numbers: Donations accepted Mar 4 – April 2: Tues - Sat 12-6 pm; Mon & Thurs 6-10 pm, set your minimum bid at $50+; We're looking for both performers & artworks!
Upcoming Exhibition: Eastern Influences, by Eastern Manitoba Coop Artists, Reception: Feb 24, 6:30 - 9pm.
cre8ery workshops:
1.The Blunt & The Obvious for the Oblivious-an arts marketing workshop with cre8ery director and artist Jordan Miller, Sun., Mar. 6, 1-3 pm, $15, please bring note book and pen. It is recommended you pre-register so we have enough handouts for all.
2.Colour Theory: Learning the Colour Wheel, Indra Skuja Grislis, March 12 & 13, 12:30-4:30 pm, $120, includes all supplies
Sketch Nights: Mon. & Thurs. 6:30-9:30 pm, $7 drop-in for everyone! Please note there will be no sketch night on Monday Feb 21.
Birds, Bees, Bears, and Beers, by Evin Collis, Erin Josephson-Laidlaw & Timothy Raffey
Opening Reception February 17th, 7-11pm
Free & Artists in attendance
Additional exhibit hours: Sat-Tues, 12-6pm
(admin closed on Riel Day no sketch night)
Exhibition Ends: Tues, Feb. 22, 6pm
Theses three artists recently returned to Winnipeg after each spending time in Toronto, Ontario and Florence, Italy. Influenced by the malleable nature of myth, each has created work exploring the connection between myth and culture-- whether it be monumentalizing things which are usually hushed, elevating the mundane to the mythic, or irreverently altering existing narratives. Through drawing, painting, collage, photography, and animation the artists explore a world and a Winnipeg in constant translation from the literal to the mythical.
EVIN COLLIS, born and raised in Winnipeg, graduated from the Ontario College of Art & Design in 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting. He has recently returned to Winnipeg upon completing an internship at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, Italy. His works are interdisciplinary and currently focuses on the re-interpretation of Canadian history, myth and folklore.
ERIN JOSEPHSON-LAIDLAW, born in 1987 in Winnipeg, graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design in 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting. She completed her thesis in Florence, Italy, received her BFA in Toronto. She currently lives and works in Winnipeg.
TIMOTHY RAFFEY is a photographer. He lives and works, usually in Winnipeg.
New Works in the Auxiliary Gallery by...Dave Swiecicki, Jillian Seniuk Cicek, Alan Davies, Helen Girard & Lori Zebiere
cre8ery's fundraiser: Strength By Numbers: Donations accepted Mar 4 – April 2: Tues - Sat 12-6 pm; Mon & Thurs 6-10 pm, set your minimum bid at $50+; We're looking for both performers & artworks!
Upcoming Exhibition: Eastern Influences, by Eastern Manitoba Coop Artists, Reception: Feb 24, 6:30 - 9pm.
cre8ery workshops:
1.The Blunt & The Obvious for the Oblivious-an arts marketing workshop with cre8ery director and artist Jordan Miller, Sun., Mar. 6, 1-3 pm, $15, please bring note book and pen. It is recommended you pre-register so we have enough handouts for all.
2.Colour Theory: Learning the Colour Wheel, Indra Skuja Grislis, March 12 & 13, 12:30-4:30 pm, $120, includes all supplies
Sketch Nights: Mon. & Thurs. 6:30-9:30 pm, $7 drop-in for everyone! Please note there will be no sketch night on Monday Feb 21.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Week Six - My 2011 in Pictures
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Job Competition
Head, Marketing Communications, Communications and Arts Promotion DivisionStatus: Regular full-time Level: EX-1 Affiliation: Management Salary Scale: $ 101,100 to $119,000 Closing date: February 11, 2011 About the Canada Council for the ArtsJoin our team and play a role in supporting Canadian creativity. The Canada Council is a dynamic, highly-respected national agency with a mandate to promote the study and enjoyment of, and production of works in, the arts. We offer competitive salaries and benefit package.About the roleUnder the direct supervision of the Director, Communications Division, the Head, Marketing Communications, takes the lead for integrated marketing communications, including planning, budgeting, performance measurement and management, and will spearhead the implementation of a communications strategy and brand positioning.The Head will oversee the development of all media relations and creative products, including web-based products and activities, required to implement the strategies and audience-focused communications plans of the Council. The Head takes the lead for developing frameworks and standards for and for managing Council-wide central communications services, including high quality of writing, translation, production of materials. The Head takes the lead for ensuring compliance with Council branding standards (as “brand guardian”), and build tools to help all Council staff better understand and articulate the brand standards and key messages. The Head is responsible for the development and implementation of web-based activities (internet, intranet), including developing appropriate audience-centred content, managing the technical elements of web design, maintenance and other related elements. The Head will oversee the development and roll-out of a social media plan. The Head provides expert advice to the Director of Communications in areas of accountability and ensures that all activities and functions under the areas of accountability are aligned with the Council’s Strategic Plan and Action Plan and the Division’s Strategic Communications Plan. The Head takes the lead for operational management and implementation of Council-wide, integrated audience-based communications strategies, services and functions, and media and public relations activities in order to implement the transformation and transition of the Council’s communications activities from a program-based culture to an audience-based culture. The Head also takes the lead in liaising with Human Resources in the strategic development of employee-based internal communications activities and materials. Basic requirements of the position
How to applySend the completed Application for Employment form quoting the competition number listed above and a copy of your resume to the attention of Ange Diaquoi, Human Resources, by either:
We value diversity in our workforce and encourage candidates to self-identify as members of the following designated groups: women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. |
Important Notices | Proactive Disclosure | Help | Site Map | Contact Us | Site Feedback Date Modified: 2011-01-20 | |
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Week Five - My 2011 in Pictures
I am getting a little tired of snow. And there is more in the forecast, although 10 cm doesn't sound like much, when you get 10 cm every other day it does start to add up. So not surprisingly my pictures this week are of snow and ice. My week was full of meetings, snow and meetings canceled because of the snow.
Finally the puzzle is complete, it was a challenge but a great way to fill some snowy evenings. |
After the last storm, off to inspect the neighbourhood...well at least the trees up the road |
It was hard to find a white car in the white bank. A passenger might have some problems getting in. |
Poor old bear. And the rhody that is beside him has vanished. |
When the roads are plowed we get our paper, otherwise we have to go looking for it. |
Icy, Icy |
Reflections...enjoy the sun while it lasts. |
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