Thursday, February 17, 2011

Folgers Jingle Contest

C. Hope Clark had the following info posted on her blog. 

Folgers Jingle Contest

Folgers did this competition last year, and I adored the finalists! One was from my home state of South Carolina. I even voted. If you like writing lyrics to little diddies, or you enjoy a microphone, this is a cool contest.

Go to the website and upload your version of the Folgers Jingle. The Grand-Prize Winner will receive $25,000, the chance to appear in a Folgers Coffee commercial, plus a special mentoring session with award-winning songwriter Kara DioGuardi. Five finalists will be sent to New York City to compete in the live Grand-Prize audition and receive $5,000 in cash. Check back starting March 31, 2011, to vote for the semifinalists. You could win a $100 grocery store gift card daily prize, or the Grand Prize of $10,000 just for voting.

NOTE: Of course no entry fee. These commerical contests rarely charge. They can break your world wide open with opportunity, though. The finalists I saw before were everyday people who liked to write little songs.

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