Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Christmas Crafts
I have had a great time this year shopping at craft sales. There is certainly a lot of wonderful items out there and a few not so great ones.
The indoor decorations at home will have to wait a bit, I have a project that needs to be completed before I can spend any more personal time.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
'Tis the Season...
We visited the annual sale in Middleton last weekend and I am sorry to say it was a disappointment. We had attended that particular show in 2006 and were impressed with the number of exhibitors and buyers. There were only about half as many exhibitors this year and the high quality work seemed to be what was missing. The number of buyers also appeared to be down significantly.
The above example is one of the reasons why artists and crafters need to review the results from each show and make a plan for the upcoming year that will include the 'best shows', the ones that have the target traffic and that are drawing both the exhibitors and the visitors that you are looking for.
The annual show at the Michelin Social Club in Bridgewater could not have held another exhibitor and all seemed to be doing a brisk business. Some old favourites and some exhibitors that I hadn't seen before. A very successful show from all appearances.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
This it a topic that is very obvious to me right now as I have spent several hours during the last few days working on a set of CDs on the topic of Marketing developed with the artist and craft producer in mind.
There are a few things that all successful marketing campaigns have in common, regardless of the service or product or art work being offered for sale. The first is the simple fact that there is a development and documented plan. An attempt to logically develop how and where the items or services will be offered, the methods that will be used to tell potential customers about the opportunities available and details of the benefits of making a purchase.
The second common item is the development of a budget to plan when and where advertising and promotional expenditures will happen.
The third common thread is the review and revision of the marketing plan to reflect new facts or circumstances as they become available.
This aspect of a business may be difficult for some but it does become easier with practice. It is important and essential if the artist or craft producer wants to increase sales through new customers or venues.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
We made the opportunity to visit the craft centre in the Hostel building in Port Mouton yesterday afternoon. Interesting place. Some of the work is beautiful, some not so much. They were holding a bake sale and they have used books for sale and they have an indoor flea market. A jumble of new and used, unique and common, bargains and valuables. We were invited to buy tickets on a quilt made to assist with the finances of the centre. The draw will take place just prior to the season's close in December.
Pleasant activities for a cold rainy Saturday.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Great Show at Wildwood Cafe

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Art Show at a Golf Club
Where could you display your art work. Is there a business that would be suitable for you to exhibit. Of course there are several cafes and coffee shops that have been hanging art work for years. Have you approached your local cafe and asked for some wall space?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nature's Beauty

Friday, September 25, 2009
Simple but Beautiful
After considering a few options we decided on a round glass container about six inches high, some pebbles and small rocks, seashells and a few flowers. We placed about two inches of rocks and shells in the bottom and then added individual glad blooms...beautiful dark burgundy. A few of the 38 arrangements had three or four buds in various stages of bloom. We also added some Queen Anne's lace that is growing wild in the ditches at this time of year. And what compliments we received.
The flickering candle light reflected in the mirrors and highlighted the simplisity of the arrangements. The leftover flowers were grouped in a dollar store basket and was given as a door prize. The arrangements were awarded to the person at each table that had a birthday handiest to September 24th the date of our event. There were a lot of compliments from happy people.
The absolute joy is that we prepared 38 centrepieces and one large floral arrangement for the door prize for less than $100. All supplies were purchased at a local dollar store and most of the flowers and greenery were either gathered locally or donated by flower shops.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Appreciation for things past
The volunteers at the museum were all in period costume, long skirts and bonnets for the ladies and work clothes of the day for the men. There were rides offered in horse drawn work wagons and the visitors were offered a glimpse into the past. Very nice and interesting.
There was also a show and shine taking place with close to 200 old cars entered. At least were old cars, some were newer but unique in some way. But our preference is always the beautiful old restored vehicles.
One thing I took away from the trip was the understanding of where so many of our "crafts'' of today got their origin. Out of necessity in the days gone by. People couldn't run to the supermarket, or the department store everything they needed something, they made it themselves or they made do with what they had. Very resourceful people.
The step back in time was appreciated and interesting but boy am I glad I didn't live then...too much hard work:-)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Use the senses... all of them!

Last weekend we had the chance to visit the show and shine presented by the fire department in Westville. Over 180 old cars and vehicles on display...wow.
Maybe not art but certainly beautiful in their own way. We enjoyed the day and enjoyed visiting with a school chum of my husband. A peaceful, relaxing weekend. Something we don't try to get enough of...peace, good friends and enjoyment. Hurry, hurry and then the day/week/month is gone. Where did the time go?
The creative side of me speaks loudly and is telling me to slow down and enjoy. Smell the roses and see the colours and the textures and the shapes. The artist knows the importance of using all the senses and absorbing the surroundings...something that the rest of us sometimes forget.
I think I may be taking in another car show this weekend...there are at least two scheduled that I know about. Stay tuned...maybe more pictures next week.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
For example, I have arthritis and wanted to start learning more about the disease and to share that information with fellow suffers. I am a speaker with the Arthritis Society and make presentations to community groups and meetings about arthritis and the resources available to sufferers and their support systems.
Interested in art? Look at upcoming shows and sales and call the organizers to see if they would like to have your "helping'' hands. I bet you will be welcomed with open arms.
Giving back can be very rewarding.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Fall is in the Air
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Nature's Beauty
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Let the Quilting Begin
I had the chance to visit a wonderful shop that sells quilting fabrics as well as finished quilts. They have their own original designs and the standard tried and true patterns that have been around for generations. What a wonderful place to spend a week, expensive for me to be there that long though. The shop of course is Shuttles and Seawinds in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. They have a website and sell quilts and quilted products online and ship throughout the world. Great place, highly recommended for anyone in the area, or wanting to see some truly original designs. One full sized quilt is actually a map of Canada, bright, colourful and beautiful.
I am looking forward to a quiet hour or two to start my projects. Hard to get motivated with temperatures in the mid 30's (mid to high 90's for our US neighbours.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Getting Crafty
With any business dealing with an inventory, it is always a balance of having items on hand that people want and having the financial resources available to maintain those inventory levels. This is very true of a craft business.
There are trends, in colours and designs, that become hot and everyone seems to want them. If you are not at the leading edge of such a trend then you could quickly get left behind. No matter how great your items, if they are not in the required colours or shapes they maybe passed over.
A few years ago, long skinny scarves made their appearance, they were everywhere. Now, not so much. There may still be a market, but it is not as large as it was two or three or five years ago. Does that mean you should stop knitting those items? Maybe not, but it does mean that you could look at changing the style slightly to make it fresh and new, maybe by chosing different colours or by inserting a speciality section of knitting in blocks in the scarf.
Sales is providing what your customers wants, even when they may not know exactly what that is.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Fall Craft Sales
With the trend this summer for people to vacation close to home this provides an excellent opportunity for artists and crafters to showcase their works to the home town crowd, who travelled out of province in past years for vacations. A whole new customer base.
Many craft artists have a few reliable shows that they participate in every year and often ask for the same location. People look for them and plan on purchasing from them. However, it might also be a good idea to add one new show this fall, a location that you don't regularly attend. And of course, at all shows, monitor your sales. How many units did you sell, not only at the show but as followups after the event. After event sales may be by phone, email or they may find you at the next show.
The show organizers should be able to tell you the draw area and the number of attendees from the previous year. Also you can have a draw at your booth to get the names and numbers of all visitors. These will give you info for future emailings to customers. Maybe a newsletter or press releases.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Upcoming Events
August 4 - 7 Giant Quilt Expo - Saulnierville
Aug 6 Blueberry Festival, West Pubnico http://www.acadianvillage.museum.gov.ns.ca/
August 6 -8 Chester Art Festival, Chester http://www.chesterartcentre.com/
August 21 - 22 New Ross Community Fair, New Ross
August 23 Halifax Anitque Car Club 46th Show and Shine, Halifax http://www.hacc.chebucto.org/
This is just a small sampling of upcoming events in Nova Scotia over the next few days. For a full listing visit http://www.novascotia.com/
Monday, July 27, 2009
Free Resources for the Artist and Craft Producer
If you wish to receive a free monthly newsletter that is written for artists and craft producers please send an email to info@uniquelymanitoba.ca to be added to the distribution list. While the newsletter has a lot of info about upcoming events in Manitoba, creative types will find the articles of interest no matter where you live.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Summer Sales
This year may be the time for artists and craft producers to find a local venue, a kiosk or a table in the local mall, or a display on the walls of a local restaurant. Look at all the alternatives that are available and chose the one or two that will showcase your work to the local tourist.
Make sure you get a listing of names for your newsletter...always a great way to stay in touch. Always ask permission before placing an individual on your mailing list. In some areas it is illegal to send unsolicited mail or emails to an individual.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Welcome to Old Portland
There were numerous opportunities to see and buy local crafted items. A jewellry kiosk was set up on a wide piece of sidewalk. The jewellry was beautiful and well crafted.
The Old Portland area was vibrant and exciting. The shops were inviting and attractive and seemed to reach out to the passerby, encouraging a visit to browse, to shop and to enjoy. The streets were clean and attractive. And the area was appealing.
The business owners and the elected officials have created a destination which is very appealing. There must have been some careful planning and foresight to creat this result. One that we enjoyed certainly and one that we look forward to seeing again.
For any business owner finding the "best" location is always a challenge. But it is an even greater challenge for the artisticpreneur. To be with similar businesses to create a destination is important. But the other products offered should be of a similar quality to the items you are selling. If you are selling fine art for example you don't want to be beside a vendor that is selling a poorly constructed child's toy.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Festival of Crafts
The craft festival was interesting. The work was well made and attractive but I had seen most of it before. There was one booth that had a great variety of hand made vests. They were made from a wide range of materials and looked very attractive. The show was definitely worth the trip. There was a bake table and we purchased a container of home made baked beans. Yum!
The artists and crafters were from all over Nova Scotia and one booth had items from Sydney, NS. This must be lucrative for them to travel several hours, find accomodations for three nights and then the return travel. There seemed to be a good crowd and there were sales happening.
An enjoyable way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Knowing what is giving you results can save you the time and energy of repeating less effective initiatives. Learn from the past to make a better future.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Thoughts on Becoming Great
Be a constant student
Be a consistent performer, even in a losing cause
Be a value provider
Be friendly and likeable
Be passionate about your product or service
Be willing to dedicate the time it takes to become great
Where is the Buyer?
Potential buyers are often where you least expect them. Sometimes they are surfing the internet and will place an order for a piece of jewellry they see on a website. However, to get a loyal following a website must be easy to find, easy to navigate, and be attractive and informative. If you have a website and use it to showcase your work, please make it easy for people to understand the costs, the shipping and the pricing. Are you showing pricing only in US dollars? Will that be attractive to a Canadian purchaser?
Sometimes your potential customer is the festival organizing committee that wants thank you gifts for a dozen or two. Maybe as an item in a goody bag to be presented to performers, entertainers, judges or other visiting dignataries. Do you have a list of festivals that will be happening in your area? Have you approached the organizers?
Finding a buyer is not luck, it is the result of careful planning and hard work. Have you created your plan? Are you using the resources that are available for you?
More about this topic in future blogs.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Tall Ships and Art
What event is coming to your town this year? Is there an opportunity for you to display your work during the event? The crowd is already there all you need to provide is the venue and the art.
Business people sometimes miss opportunities. A well developed business plan with a strong focus on marketing can help you design and develop a strategy that will showcase your work so more people will see it.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Senior Games Events
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Finding Customers for your Art
Who do you see as your customer. Is it the owner of a home, or the apartment renter? There may be a difference in buying habits of these two groups which makes it essential for you to identify the person you see as your customer. If you paint murals on walls for example, the renter may not want to invest in that type of art. They might prefer to have moveable art items.
The first step in finding your customers is to develop a profile of the potential client. The profile is simply a listing of everything you know about them.
- Where do they live, the area of town, urban or rural.
- Career, profession, type of work
- Sex, age, background
- Associations and organizations supported
- Interests
If you see professionals, doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers as your main customer base, you may want to arrange a showing of your work in the building that houses a lot of these offices. Maybe in the lobby, if the landlord will co-operate. Or hand deliver invitations to a showing at a local gallery. If you are participating in an arts and craft sale posters or hand written invitations notifing all the professionals about the event may draw them to your site.
HINT - whenever addressing mail, invitations or cards make sure you have the name, title and correct mailing address. Spelling errors leave a bad impression and the item without a name goes into the garbage or never leaves the mailroom because no-one knows where it should go.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Summertime and there is Art Everywhere
Sometimes public buildings will hold an art show, on a short term basis, in the hall way or boardroom. Large corporations may be agreeable as well as libraries, government offices and financial institutions. Make a well thought out plan before approaching any of these. Remember to make anything successful, all the participants should gain from the experience...and that includes the landlord or building owner.
Get creative and picture your creations in new and unusual places. For example in Winnipeg, the city organized an art showing in the windows of the downtown businesses. It was called "art on the Avenue". Pick a street in your town or city and see if there are ten or twelve businesses that are willing to display a grouping of original works for a few weeks in the summer. A nice tie in to that would be a walking tour for visitors with information about the art, the artists and the information about where and how the works can be purchased.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Making a Hobby Pay
Others I know have very successfully turned a hobby of many years into a lucrative career, maybe a second career after retirement from the traditional job. We often turn to the things we love doing and develop those into a stream of income. I have a friend who is retired, living happily ever after, and decided that she wanted to expand a passion of hers, creating beautiful artwork. She has taken rug hooking courses and waterpainting classes and is expanding her artistic activities. Something she didn't have much of a chance to persue when her children were young, her husband was building a career and she was developing her own career. Now is her time and she is loving it.
Will she eventually make money from this? Maybe, maybe not. But she is gaining enjoyment and to her at this stage, that is what she wants.
Art or Science?
Everything starts with an idea and then the successes come when the idea is developed into a plan. Business plan, marketing plan, succession plan, financial plan... I enjoy the fun of business, with all the warts and imperfections. This blog will be my sounding board for business ideas, suggestions, tips and questions. I will share what information I have and I will ask for help from my readers.
Is business an art, something that is unique and beautiful, or a science driven by logic and solutions? Or a little of both. I suggest to you that the huge success stories come from the people who dare to combine both the artistic and the science, the emotion and the logic and the attention to today's details and tomorrow's aspirations.