Thursday, July 2, 2009

Finding Customers for your Art

Artists are creative, they make beauty from ideas. However, sometimes the creativity stops just short of business development and marketing. And unfortunately for art to sell, for customers to find you, there needs to be some business principles in place.

Who do you see as your customer. Is it the owner of a home, or the apartment renter? There may be a difference in buying habits of these two groups which makes it essential for you to identify the person you see as your customer. If you paint murals on walls for example, the renter may not want to invest in that type of art. They might prefer to have moveable art items.

The first step in finding your customers is to develop a profile of the potential client. The profile is simply a listing of everything you know about them.
  • Where do they live, the area of town, urban or rural.
  • Career, profession, type of work
  • Sex, age, background
  • Associations and organizations supported
  • Interests

If you see professionals, doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers as your main customer base, you may want to arrange a showing of your work in the building that houses a lot of these offices. Maybe in the lobby, if the landlord will co-operate. Or hand deliver invitations to a showing at a local gallery. If you are participating in an arts and craft sale posters or hand written invitations notifing all the professionals about the event may draw them to your site.

HINT - whenever addressing mail, invitations or cards make sure you have the name, title and correct mailing address. Spelling errors leave a bad impression and the item without a name goes into the garbage or never leaves the mailroom because no-one knows where it should go.

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