Monday, April 4, 2011

Week Thirteen - My 2011 in Pictures

Queens Place in Liverpool - Really starting to shape up

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This is a Road??? LaBelle Road in Queens County.

Sunday April 3 was a beautiful day, plus 10 degrees and beautiful sun.  The Queens Place project in Liverpool is proceeding nicely.  Over 1/2 of the funds have been raised and the commitments are in place from the necessary levels of government.  There is of course the question of 14,000 residents in Queens County and how much use the facility will get. But it is a good thing...providing the operating costs are bearable.

The potholes that pass for a road are another matter.  The LaBelle road has been only potholes for the past three weeks and although the frost boils are drying up the potholes are still taking a toll on all the cars that are forced to drive the trail daily.  Where is the grader?  I invite every politician, regardless of whether they are federal, provincial or municipal to drive their cars over this poor excuse for a road. 

Enough of the rant.  As you can see, I'm back with more pictures of my 2011. Some weeks are missing...slow news weeks:-)  or I was too busy or life was too boring.

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