Calls For Submission
Gallery 44 (Toronto, ON): Call to Visual Artists and Curators, Deadline October 1
Gallery 44 | Call for Submissions from Artists and Curators
Deadline: October 1st
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography is a non-profit artist-run centre committed to photography as a multi faceted and ever-changing art form. We encourage the submission of exhibition proposals from emerging, mid-career and established artists and curators who are innovative in their use of materials and approach to subject matter. Gallery 44 views photography within the larger context of contemporary artistic practices and relevant cultural issues in today's society.
Submission Guidelines
Please submit the following items 1. through 5. on a disk by mail or by email as a zipped folder to (images as JPEGs, video as .mov and documents as PDFs):
1. 10-12 images (both single image views and installation views) representing a recent body of work or a specific project. Image files should be JPEGs of 1MB maximum. Please do not send original work and do not use CD sticker labels.
2. An image list indicating artist name, title, dimensions in inches, medium, and year, as a PDF.
3. An artist's statement, curatorial statement, or other written description, as a PDF.
4. A physical description of the proposed exhibition, including the number of works, the space required, equipment needed and/or provided, and any unusual installation requirements, as a PDF.
5. A curriculum vitae, resume or biography of the artist(s) and/or curator (including all artists if it is a curated exhibition), as a PDF. And any other digital support material you would like to include (web links, reviews, catalogues, etc.)
6. A self-addressed envelope (SASE) with sufficient return postage for mailed submissions. Without an SASE we will not return submission packages and will dispose of submission materials appropriately.
Please note:
• Gallery 44 welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with other arts and community organizations.
• Gallery 44 gives priority to works that have not been exhibited in Toronto.
• Gallery 44 handles all material with care; however we cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of materials.
• Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted. Please clearly label your envelope/email as "G44 annual call submission".
• Due to the volume of submissions we receive please allow 4 to 6 months to receive a response.
• Artists are paid in accordance with the CARFAC Fee Schedule for works exhibited.
Visit for a floor plan of the gallery and further info.