Monday, May 24, 2010

One Hundred Year Old Building

The Post Office on King Street in Bridgewater opened over 100 years ago in this red brick building. The Post Office has now moved to a new building on North Street. While the move will make the mail delivery in the area more efficient and improve the working conditions for the staff, hopefully, our town fathers will see fit to perserve/save the old building. So many of the original buildings have been lost through human error and of course fire.

Nature at Her Best

These pictures were taken along the LaHave River in Lunenburg County in Nova Scotia on Friday, May 21st. It was a beautiful day...the start of a fantastic weekend.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Great time of year

This is a wonderful time of year. The leaves are so fresh and green, the flower beds are full of colour and the air smells like spring.